Amor d'Oro Touch of the Sun


geb 24-5-2014

HD A / ED 0-0 / Ogen v Vrij

Pra 1  & Pra 2 Clear by parents

Ichtyose Clear

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Summeramba last Orders

CH Erinderry Just a Ticket from Blue waters

 CH Gunhills Blue River

  Erinderry Firebird

Summeramba Sherbert Lemon

CH Shardanell Castaspell

Summeramba Serenade

Xanthous Eminem

Giddygold Swayze of Dancer

Abinvale Traguardo

Giddygold Mach Marilyn Monroe

Herwildy's Chutney

Taram du Bois du la Rayere

Herwildy's Sugar Sugar |Baby